Drawing & Painting for Advanced Students - Judith White
This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.
Sessions are structured around individual assistance to develop and encourage personal development. Class directed critiques and discussions of contemporary art practice will be featured. This course is for students with prior experience in painting & drawing.
Materials List | Term 1 2025
The first day will be an exercise using collage and intense colour wash.
You can develop the idea for the term or return to your own projects.
Materials for the first day
- Watercolour paper; one sheet or more 250- 350 grms cold press
- Collage paper; Brown wrapping paper and white tissue paper available at Office works or a newsagent.
- PVA glue
- Scissors
- Blade cutting knife
- Brushes; your usual including a Hake wash brush and old brush for glue
- Flat palette. A large white disposable palette is excellent
- All your drawing materials including 4B, 6B pencils, graphite pencil ( 6b soft)
- Note book/small sketchbook
- Cartridge paper. a large pad (A2 is an all purpose size)
- Tracing paper; a roll of baking paper is fine
- Oil pastels; your usual range including black, white, ochre
- Acrylics; Your usual including Blue Black Indigo (available only in Atelier) and Mars Black
Terms & Conditions
Please choose carefully as fees are non-refundable. Refunds of course fees will only be given if the course is cancelled or a place is not available in the course.
Payment of course fees implies that you have read and agree to the WAC Terms & Conditions.